Choosing (Wen it`s too late)
I`ve tried to ignore
All the stench of your life
Only holding back
For my wife
Even she has seen
Your poisoned soul displayed
Seen each move you`ve made
Contaminate, degrade
Who`s this juvenile?
Who`s this infantile clown?
He`s not ever worth
Knocking down
Stamp your tiny foot
My precious little lamb
Bleat ad nauseam
But I don`t give a damn
Where to go? Heart ever hounded
Coward? No - spirit confounded
Always hoping belief will bring release
God alone can give me peace
Watching me scream and hate
Only choosing when it`s too late
May this imbecile
Cause your heart to feel joy
You did after all
Choose the toy
Do you now suppose
I`ll leave with no reply?
Basic laws apply
An eye demands an eye
Where to go? Heart ever hounded
Coward? No - spirit confounded
Always hoping belief will bring release
God alone can give peace
Watching me scream and hate
Only choosing when it`s too late