Everytime a bell rings
I go berserk
I climb into my hole
And sit there like a mole
Playing with the dirt
Contradicting people who think of me as being
So soft and gentle
Very clean
I used to have a daisy
A purple one called Maisy
Stuck on my bed
It didn`t bother me
Yet when the landlord, Freestone saw it he said
Take it out at once or evicted you must go
So here I am in my hole
Watching people pass me by
Each of them in their own world and me in mine
I`ve never bitten off any more than I can chew
Never wanted too-
Every time a bird sings
Every time a bell rings
I go berserk
And as I`ve said before
I sit there like a mole
Playing with the dirt
Call it what you like
And by all means tell a soul
I`m very happy in my hole
Running round from time to time
Stopping only to unwind
Everything I have is mine
In my hole-
Length about the width of a pole
Width about the length of a bowl
Hollywood style!