When you needed money You came to me It was no problem That was
plain to see Yet when I needed some company You promised you`d
pay me a call But you came and went so quickly I didn`t know
You had been here at all When there was a war on You came crawling
to me There seemed no better place That you`d rather be Yet when
it was over you told me You`d come back and pay me a call But
you came and went so quickly I didn`t know You had been here
at all What does it mean What does it prove If I get my Own back
on you Revenge is sweet But so are peas And not the ones Alphabetically
My hands are cold Legs are like ice I`m on the beach Weather
is nice The wind comes up It starts to snow My hands get warm
My feet they glow Oh I can remember Things you used to say But
what sticks in my mind most Is the way You hurt me so much When
you left me Although you promised you`d pay me a call But you
came and went so quickly I didn`t know You had been here at all