Politicians buy the media To cover up their blah blah blah Truth is always the first casualty Media controls democracy With money they get their message on TV And that is all the people see The media lost its independency Money killed democracy
Agua / Manhattan Transfer
No Shit / Iggy Pop
My Love is Your Love (Remix) / Whitney Houston f Dyme, Kristina, Wyclef
Ballad Of The Absent Mare / cohen leonard
Офицерский романс / Борис Вайханский
Конь рыжий запоздал. Замешкался, вестимо... / Ксения Полтева
Hanging Tree / Desert Sessions
Пахнет сирая осень сырою осиной... / Андрей Земсков
Подарил Боженька... / Елена Фролова
While You Were Here / Eric Benet