(Blake Mevis/Dean Dillon/Frank Dycus)
I love the sound of a jukebox playing,
So I sit here while she`s staying home
Watching Dallas on T.V.
I love the taste of whiskey straight,
But the strongest thing she ever takes
Is a sip from a small glass of chablis.
Though birds of a different feather,
Our love keeps us together,
And she knows what`s wrong with me tonight,
I`ve got that Friday Night Fever;
Sometimes a man just needs a breather.
She knows I love her and I need her.
And I`m no cheater,
I`ve just got that Friday Night Fever.
She wouldn`t change me if she could, so I wouldn`t change her,
She`s too good.
Sometimes a man just needs a change of pace.
I`ve heard all those come-on lines,
but I go home at closing time.
I know no one could ever take her place
Now she`s taking down her hair, she knows I`ll soon be there.
To give her the love she needs tonight.
I`ve got that Friday Night Fever;
Sometimes a man just needs a breather.
She knows I love her and I need her.
And I`m no cheater, I`ve just got that Friday Night Fever.
I got that Friday Night Fever.