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Received: by with VINES ; Thu, 29 Jul 93 17:08:42 WET
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 93 17:07:27 WET
Subject: Kalaka/A_kek_tuzeso
[in Hungarian]
Poem by Serghey Yesenin
Translated from Russian to Hungarian by Rab, Zsuzsa
F /
F _ _ D_ gm - C7 F
A ke`k tuzeso hamu lett, lemondtam a ko`borla`sro`l.
F _ _ D gm-_C7 _ F
Legeloszo~r most szeretek, bu`csu`zva duhajkoda`sto`l.
C _ _ Bb - C_ am dm
Ki`va`ntam a bort, a lea`nyt, s mi voltam? Elgazosult kert.
Bb C _ _ F _ C7 - F
De most az iva`st, mulata`st meguta`ltam: rontja az embert.
F _ D _ _ gm - C7_ _ F
Csak te`ged la`ssalak e`n, az o~rve`nyt barna szemedben.
F D _ _ _ _ gm - C7 _ F
Ne bolyogj a mu`lt suruje`n, ne lakje`k ma`s a szi`vedben.
C Bb_ _- C_ am _ dm_
Te finom suhana`su` lea`ny, makacs szi`ved e`rti-e ve`gre,
Bb _ C _ F _ C7 - F
A csibe`sz szeretni tud a`m, e`s engedelmes a ve`re.
F D _ gm - C7_ F
Fene mind az ivo`helyeket. verset sem i`rok, ha ki`va`nod.
F _ _ D _ gm - C7 F
Si`mogatna`m la`gy kezedet, s hajadat, mint oszi vira`got
C _ _ Bb - C am dm
O~ro~kre nyomodba megyek, itthon, vagy aka`rhova ta`vol.
Bb _ _ C F _ _ C7 - F
Legeloszo~r most szeretek bu`csu`zva duhajkoda`sto`l.
F D gm - C7 F
F D gm - C7 F
C _ _ Bb - C am dm
O~ro~kre nyomodba megyek, itthon, vagy aka`rhova ta`vol.
Bb _ _ C F _ _ C7 - F
Legeloszo~r most szeretek bu`csu`zva duhajkoda`sto`l.
F D gm - C7 F
Serghey Yesenin: Russian poet
Rab, Zsuzsa: Hungarian poetess
Kala`ka: Hungarian band singing verses set to music by themselves
Gryllus, Da`niel
Huzella, Pe`ter
Radva`nyi, Balazs
Becze, Ga`bor
The special Hungarian letters are coded with `~ after the characters, e.g.
i` = letter i with an accent on it
o~ = letter o with an umlaut (two points) on it
u = letter u with a long umlaut (two accents) on it
To re-synchronize the chords to the text, I`ve inserted _ characters. If you
use the text with the `~ codes, change the _ to space everywhere. If you
convert the codes to the special Hungarian charcetrs, or remove the `~
signs, simply delete the _ characters.
Umann, Korne`l