Don`t know what I`m doin
Don`t know where I`m goin
Don`t have a clue
and now it`s finally showin`
Won`t somebody give me a hint or 2
tell me what the fuck I`m supposed to do
Don`t have a compass
Don`t have a map
Got a diploma
still lyin on my back
the right track
hell, I don`t know where it is
It`s like i didn`t study
for some big pop quiz
No Direction
So many decisions
I can`t decide
so many people
in whom do you confide?
there are no signs
to tell you what to do
the path you`re gonna take
well that`s just up to you
the road less traveled
leads to certain death
you might succeed
but i wouldn`t hold my breath
so conform to the system
work your life away
wonder what might have been
until your dying day