my name is dead my thoughts are dead my name is dead my thoughts are dead i tried to find a goldmine (doorway?) but it was hidden in the song (sand?) of solomon i was buried in the earth i was rooted in the ground buried in the song of solomon
Fairfax Scene / The Boo Radleys
johnny was / marley bob
Assombrissement De L`Гўme / Dark Sanctuary
Скрип колес велосипеда... / Игорь Миненков
pump it up / mudhoney
12 Steps / violent femmes
I Have The Touch / Heather Nova
Большой человек / Алексей Иващенко, Георгий Васильев
Treasures In Heaven / Burlap To Cashmere
The Chemistry Between Us / Suede
Heaven In Your Eyes / Backstreet Boys, The