I raise my Sword to the skyTonight, the virgin shall DieAs the steel opens her skinThe visionis clear, Evil shall winTheir holy cries fades in the NightAs our Horde crushes all lightNow gone forever, the bastard sonOnce again, Evil has won
Dwell / Left Hand Solution
Roxanne / Sting and Police
Mcdonalds Girl / Dean Friedman
For Those of Yall Who Wear Fanny Packs / ben folds five
Aye Davanita / Pearl Jam
my own worst enemy5 / Lit
Inquisitive Corporeal Recremation / Gore
Can`t Be Wasting My Time / Mona Lisa f Lost Boyz
One Time Use / Sewing With Nancie (The Reason)
Die Sterne Steh`n Gut / Freddy Breck
The Greatest / s club 7