If you`re taking a bite (*)
At the speed of light
You`re shaking your heads to the band
There`s a dare on your horse
But you`re not on the force
We`re taking this think to the ground
In the heat of the night (**)
When you`re fists are alight
Touching temples of steel
And your body`s on fire
About to expire
But you don`t feel the pressure of pain
Pull your head back (***)
Hold your hands high
Shake your body
And it`s too loud
And you put them up fill your heads
With heavy metal thunder
Heavy metal thunder
On the wings of an eagle (****)
You`re hoping to fly
Holding your hands to the sky
On a blue sea of venom
You turn to the band with
Your banners and skirts blowing high
If you think something more (*****)
You`ll come down to the front
Then you`ll do as they say
Where an army of cars
Are surrounded by lights
Turning my face to the ground
Nobody stands in our way
(Repeat *** twice)
(Repeat *)
(Repeat **)
(Repeat ***)
(Repeat ****)
(Repeat *****)
(Repeat ***)