I want you to know that I`m happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
An older version of me
Is she perverted like me
Wou ld s he go down on you in a theater?
Does she speak eloquently
And would s he have your baby
I`m sure she`d make a really excellent m ot her
Cau se the love that you gave that we made
Wasn`t able to mak e it enough f or you to be open wide, no
And every time you spea k he r name
Does she know how you told me you`d hold me
Until you died, `til you died
But you`re still alive
And I`m he re to remind you
Of the mes s you left when you went away
It`s not fair t o deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you , you ou ghta know
You seem very w ell, things look peaceful
I`m not quite as well, I thought you should know
Did you forget about me Mr. Dup licity
I hate to bug you in the m iddle of dinner
It was a slap on the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you fuck her
Cause the love that you gav e that we made nWasn`t able to make it enough
for you to be open wide, no
And eve ry time you sp eak her name
Does she know how you told me yo u`d hol d me
Until you died, `til you died
But you`re still alive
( rep eat chorus)
C ause the joke that you laid in the bed that was me
And I`m not goin g to fade
As soon as you close your eyes and you k now it
And every time I scratch my nails down someone else`s back
I hope y ou feel it ... well can you feel it?
(repeat chorus)
Your Hou se (Hi dden Last Song)
I went to your house
Walked u p the stairs
Open ed your door without ringing the bell
Walked dow n the hall
Into y o ur room where I could smell you
And I shouldn `t be here
Without p e rmission
Shouldn`t be here...
W ould you forgive me lo ve i f I danced in your shower
Would you forg ive me love if I laid i n your bed
Would you forgive me love if I s tay all afternoon?
I took off m y clothes
Put on your robe
Went through your drawers
An d I found you r cologne
Went down to the d en
Found your cd`s
And I played your Jon i
And I shouldn`t stay l ong
You might be home soon
Shouldn`t stay lo ng
(repeat chorus)
I burned your incense
I ran a bath
I noticed a letter that sa t on your desk
It said:
He llo, love.
I love you so , love.
Meet me at midmight.
And no, it wasn`t my writing
I`d bette r go soon
It wasn`t my writing
So fo rgive me love If I cry in your shower nSo forgive me love for the
sa lt in your bed
So forgive me love If I cry all afternoon