F**KED up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional F.I.N.E. Written by Steven Tyler / Joe Perry / Desmond Child (c) 1989 Swag Song Music, Inc / Desmobile Music Co., Inc. / SBK APril Music, Inc. ASCAP
Confusion / New Order
Little Miss Heaven / tea party
Cancella Il Debito / Jovanotti
Пилот 12-45 / Браво
Без тебя не могу / Белый орел
Everybody Eat / Tom Lehrer
Простите Любви / Елена Фролова
In My Dreams / Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young)
Jezebel / Acid Bath
KRS-One / KRS-One f Channel Live
Live the Life / Rustee Jux and Ruck (Heltah Skeltah)