Channel Z
I am livin` on Channel Z
Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static
Static in my attic from Channel Z
Getting nothin g but static, getting nothing but static.
Static filling my attic from C hannel Z
Something g ood is happening!
I feel love has got to come on, and I want it
Somethi ng big and lovely
I want the world to change for me! Gotta get away
Better put up my umbrella!
Giant stacks blowin` smoke
Politicrits pushin` dope
Someth ing good could happen
Something big and lovely
Living on the edge of Z
Getting nothing but static
Static in my attic fr om Channel Z
Where`s my umbrella?
Gonna shoot that static down the drain
Gonna put that static out of my brain nGonna put up my antennae. FREE!
I feel love is coming on strong, and I want it
We can makean make it happen
Let in better weather