Don`t be alarmed please don`t take it personally
But you`re acting out on everybody here
You`re ability your virility`s in doubt
So one more time you clench your fists
Scream and shout
You high-five your friends
Like you`re jocks at a football
It seems you don`t know when to quit
The crowd stares in silence
As you practice violence
To show you`re the king of the pit
What now we`re sick of it
So now no one goes
To the front at shows anymore
Because we don`t want to be
Kicked in the head
Or punched in the nose
We don`t care where you`re from
We don`t care what set you claim
Why don`t you get involved
You don`t even know our names
Any scene worth it`s salt
Would vilify aggression
It seems that aggression`s all you know
So stop throwing your fists
Put out your hand
Participate in the show
Here we go