My name is Mrs. Taylor, I have gout
I`m really fat, so check me out.
My rumpus is huge, and not too tiny
My voice is quiet, but not my hiney
I`m the man with the masta` ham
Watches are the hands that strangle my neck
The twisted metal of a huge car wreck
I clean my plate till there`s not left a speck
I`m sure glad my name`s not Melkisideck
I`m the man with the masta` ham (oh yeah!)
I`m the man
I`m the man
I`m the man with the masta` ham (oh yeah!)
I`m the man with the masta` ham (oh yeah!)
I have a phobia about watches beeping
I don`t care about the classes teaching
I definitely would rather be sleeping
For the Slim Fast I`m always reaching
About the number 2 I`m always preaching
(music stops)
(music starts)
If you think your safe from me
I will tell you one last thing
I`m Mrs. Taylor! I`m the GOD!
I`m also kinda` big
I`m the man
I`m the man
I`m the man with the masta` ham
(repeat and fade)
Voices: Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco Treat.
I`m outta here!
Voices: Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco Treat (repeat)