SHAGGY`s Opening
Straight up right ya know
I love ya nah
If your man ain`t takin care of ya
I`m exactly whatcha` lookin` for
Don`t worry
1-800 Mr. Lovah
Dig dat
Are you looking for a man to make you lose control?
A man when you need _______________ that goal
Be a `life` blanket when you`re feeling `cool`
Girlfriend this is your lucky day
The don`t call me Mr. Lover coz I like ice cream
I am Mr. Lover coz I fulfill dreams
When last your man made you moan & scream?
Girlfriend this is your lucky day
Verse 1
Well, who`s gonna take the heat?
A lot of (pillows)___________(show) indeed
But have you ever wondered why a woman will cheat
It takes a real man to make a woman complete
_________________ speed `Fellahs out dere acting like their on`
But slower can be better if you wanna succeed
Listen to your woman & ask what she means
Sometimes it can be better if u follow her lead
Verse 2
You have a man
___________ that he`s known `well all of that IS`
So if he`s all of that
Then why are you on my phone?
___________ you`re feeling all alone `Could it be that deep down`
(Someone) still in need things __________ at home
You say you got a man
Well let`s see what that means
Let`s see, he pays your bills, he buys your stuff, you keep himclean
What does he tell you soft to make you feel like a teen?
It takes more than `moniker` to feel like a queen `money`
Verse 3
Love making should be fun
The lady should be satisfied before you`re up & done
Ladies if your man is one `a __________` `who love to jump thegun`
Let him go & `come` `call me later`Di adds and changes words
Let a real lover show you `what ___________` girl `how it`s done`
SHAGGY`s Closing
Chat bout
If yah man don`t deal wid yuh right, call me
I`ll give ya what yah missin` ya know
U no haffa worry
U need a real Jamaican ____ yah dig dat!
Nothing like ya conconut lovah
Talk to me gurl
Chorus - First Four (4) Lines ONLY