[In thick German accents]
If it`s ze secrets of life that you seek,
Zen srough (through) a mi-croscope you must peek!
Mendel did vonders just using his eye,
But to really see, you must magnify.
You can`t help but notice ve`re nossing (nothing) but cells,
But vhere in ze cell does heredity dvell?
The Nu-cleus! That`s vhere it hides.
You don`t see much until it divides,
Then Chro-masomes enter new phases,
Split into two, und zat is ze basis
Of Sexual Transmission vhich olvays engrosses
Our feverish minds, but it`s only Meiosis.
Reducing zee chromasomes fifty percent,
So vhen egg and sperm meet at zat blessed event,
Ze Chro-masomes form one full set.
Just two of each kind, zat`s ze best best!
And that new cell begins to grow,
Multiplies into an Em-bryo.
Ze ex-plana-tion of zis growth
Is it`s due to a process ve know as Mitosis!
And zat`s vhat our Microscopes helped us determine,
In Germany, vhere un ze germ cells are German!