Knife tears through the fleshHatchet in the headdisembowelmentViolent blood splattered deathBloodsoaked murderBrutal Slaughter
Я буду скитаться по строфам чужим и жизням... / Кирилл Ривель
Say The Words / Barry Manilow
Turn Around / Kenny Loggins
Melt The Sugar / Summer Obsession, The
В этом городе ф. / Ночные снайперы
I`m Gonna Be Around / Micheal Learns To Rock
Never Enough / Christian Wunderlich
mistakes and regrets / And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dea
Things You Can`t Understand / Crowbar
Roll Out / Tmbaland and Magoo f Petey Pablo, Smokey
Эпитафия пассеизму / Юрий Нестеренко