Beefsteak Charlie says to Porky the Pig
"I can see the party lights
Someone`s throwin` a bash and it sure looks big
Down at the slaughterhouse tonight."
Say, let`s get together and hit the buffet
You might as well stuff yourself,
They`ll only throw it away
Old Colonel Sanders says to Elsie the Cow
"Golly, baby you`re the one
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,
pickle, cheese, onions on a sesame seed bun."
Say, we just got time for a roll in the hay
Might as well stuff yourself
They`ve come to take you away
I know where you`re going, I can tell
Don`t go looking for me down in Hamburger Hell
Don`t misunderstand me, I wish you well
Don`t go looking for me down in Hamburger Hell