feat. Paster Clarence e. McClendon
Ah, thank you Jesus
You know, I want to take just a moment and speak to you
I don`t know who you are
Or where you are
What`s going on in your life
I do know that sometimes circumstances
And situations come against us
We ask, "Where is God?"
And, "Is there anybody who can help us?"
I want you to know that God is not very far from you
Whoever you are, wherever you`ve been
Whatever you`ve done
He`s right there
As close as the breath you just drew
As close as the fingers on the end of your hand
God is right there
He`s everywhere
But you know, He only comes where He`s invited
And when you need His help
All you`ve got to do is open your mouth and call out to Him
Just tell him yes
It`s that easy, it`s that simple
All of the work for Him to come into your life has already been done
All you`ve got to do is just tell Him "Yes"