How Many Times — текст песни (Cat Stevens)

How many times must I get up

Look out and see the same old view

How many times must I wear the same old things

And hear the same old things that I do, I do

How many times must I clean this face my face

And how many times must I shine my shoes, oh lord

How many times must I drink the same old drink

And dream the same old dreams that I do

Because i, I know one thing

There aint nothing that could ever ease the pain

But for your line and mine

I want that loving again

How many times must I pass your place. your place

And how many times must I follow you, you

How many times must I see the same old things

When all I should be seeing is you

Because i, I know one thing

There aint nothing that could ever ease the pain

But for your line and mine

I want that loving again, again

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