lied, lied again. now your terms come to an end, and it seemed quite shameless at the time, and for years. has it been so long? afraid to die, and for years, now it tears from the inside out. and for years. it scrapes the flesh, it scrapes to wash.
Seven Screaming DizBusters / blue oyster cult
Станция Увы! / Игорь Михалёв
Сказка / Круиз
Кони в вагоне /
Of Power / Son Of Sam
For The Love Of You / Whitney Houston
An Apology / magnapop
Lets Go / Devo
Вот и в одну – свело... / Александр Алон
Прощание Чайлд-Гарольда / Валерий Кузнецов
Sands Of Time / Edguy