I`ve been too drunk to love
Too drunk to care
I`ve looked like death, felt like Hell
Been the worse for wear
I`ve been drinking too much to remember
The hell of the night before
I`ve been drinking myself blind
And still I`ll drink some more
She is the wine that makes harps and choirs
The sweetest sound that the grapevine brings
She is the wine that makes gods and angels
And when I drink of her, she conjures me wings
She invites me to her banquets
And I feast on her bouquet
She chases the dragons, and,
Drives the demon away
She builds a rainbow bridge
To the island of the blessed
She leads me to surrender
To the quarry of my quest
She is the temptress
The master magician
A sister to Eros
She is exhibition
She plays like a symphony
Smells like sympathy
Tastes like poetry
Gives her very soul to me