My Friend — текст песни (Crystal Lewis)

thank you
for being my friend
for being the one
on whom i depend

weve been a team
come rain or shine
come win or lose
whats yours has been mine

i love you my friend
for giving to me
for being my confidant
for letting me be me
for sharing your heart
for taking a stand
i want to be like you
i love you - my friend

ill never forget
the secrets we kept
the stories we told
the nights we never slept

the tears that we cried
the heartaches we shared
somehow gave me hope
when it seemed no one cared

thereve been times
i felt my life
was coming to an end
you stood by me, my friend

i thank God
for sending someone
like you to me
im glad weve got eachother

the years will pass
and times will change
but one thing will always
stay the same-
well always be friends

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