Beyond Tomorrow — текст песни (Stan Ridgway)


Beyond tomorrow

Beyond tomorrow

Beyond tomorrow

Beyond tomorrow

We will be driving in

Little time bombs everywhere

On a street in a skyscraper

With aluminum hair

Therell be someone downstairs

Collecting all our names

Numbers all in a file somewhere

Everyone will be saved

Chorus repeat

Someone will be in the air

In a plane by the sea

I could be anywhere at all

If I could just be

Ill eat candied policemen

Youll eat farmers from hell

Everyone will be very modern

Cant you tell?

Chorus repeat

There could be another one

Come from the east

With a mark on his head

The sign of the beast

Then we will all extinguish

From this thing we call yeast

Did we come from yeast?

Chorus repeat

Way back whenccin a petri dish

We were mated with some weird kind of fish

Then we grew arms and legs

Now we have em alive, no eggs

In a room far away near the capitol

Theres a box that sits on someones skull

Well all be waitin for the word comin down

Meantime... lets blow this town

Chorus repeat x6 or 7

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