Black Queen — текст песни (Crosby Stills Nash Young)

(Stephen Stills)
This is a song about a card game
Black queen, holding hearts
Black queen, tear the game apart
Black queen, don`t you know?
Can`t beat aces all in a row, black queen, no you can`t
Have mercy black queen
Don`t you go mess with the black queen, no
Black queen, see the whole hand
Black queen, where`s your black man?
Black queen, if he ain`t in the hole
Black queen, you got some more to show me, black queen
Oh, get on me black queen
Oh, Lord, have mercy, black queen
She`s called to beat me clean
Black queen, where`s your bank roll?
Black queen, where did it go?
Black queen, the truth is hard
Black queen, you`re playin` foolish cards, black queen

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