oh my god i think i`m cuba, or possibly tanzania. the realization hits me bluntly: oh my god they`ve colonized me. castro: be virgin sound. nyerere: a screenless life. oh my god, they are extracting all my precious raw materials. suharto, batista: i am become the south. so now the old dialectic has been resurrected, in my subconscience, between traditional and neo-colonialism in impressive synthesis. so the forced participation in the sewer of commerce is unrepresented taxation, and the insidious beckoning of product and promise is a goddman IMF loan. henry ford plays cortes in the last of the great twentieth-century auhtoritarianisms. stalinism and fascism make way for the great dictatorship of the corporation. oh my god we`ve been convinced that the stranglehold of corporations can somehow safely coexist with our notions of participation. the unions: the elgin marbes. the billboards: victoria embankment. emilio zapata was not the hand that changed the channel but the hand that switched off the whole goddamn TV.