Mistakes, done over and over again
Voices, heard over and over again
Escape from ones self
Escape into salvation
One word one gesture and everything is over
Long silence empty thoughts
Escape into another phase
Escape from reality
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
The leprous sign branded onto the forehead
Like stricken by diseaseGuilt sought by ones self
The guilt of salvation
The night passes silence remains
Unsolved questions remain as a wall
The guilt of the other phase
The guilt of fear of reality
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self
An other life an other death an other destination an other self