Huaca pacha mama (the sacred site of mother earth)Huaca saqsaywaman (the sacred stone citadel)Huaca yachaq runa (the sacred wise ones)Huaca munaq runa (the sacred loving people)
Consume And Consume / Cheap Sex
Возвращаюсь... / Вадим Мищук
Brand New Me, Same Shitty You / A Wilhelm Scream
Россия / Евгений Клячкин
sleep the day away / oatmeal dog
Intertuption / Bif Naked
I`ll Be Home For Christmas / Dean Martin
Farewell / Rapture
Баллада о кольце / Виталий Богомолов
I Must Be Crazy / Tyrese
Винни Пух и все-все-все / Сергей Погорелый