You make me feel like a hat stand
All tall, grim and brown
You make me feel like a clothes horse
Old and left out in the rain
You sure say you can
Also shared you with the others
I couldn`t stand it
You make me feel like a deserted house
Dark and empty in the dusk
You made me feel like a charred foot
In a burnt out factory
You insist that I split
Cast me into the pit with the others
So many of them down there
Now it`s so dark dark dark
Not a tiny spot of hope for me
Now I want you so much
I need a crutch by the time you set me free
Now it`s so dark dark dark
Not a tiny spot of hope for me
Now I want you so much
I need a crutch by the time you set me free
You make me feel like a broken yellow yo-yo
Thrown away on a dump
You make me feel like a flower
Makin` way for a petrol pump
You ruined my days
With your poisoned ways
Like you did the others
So many others
Wonderin` down here
Hello man, how are things?
Dark isn`t it?
What a woman?
Wonder when she`ll let us out?