I want it cheap, I want it now
I want it fast, and I want it with feeling
I want it deep, I want a vow
I want it to last, and I want it with meaning
I will come and get you in the morning
Well just go and not give any warning
I am the cheap, Im right here now
Im moving fast, and Ive got the feeling
Im going deep, Ive made my vow
It is my last, and its the one Im keeping
I will come and get you in the morning
Well just go and not give any warning
I will come and get you in the morning
Im on my game, I walk the walk
I smell the smell, and I feel the feeling
Its in my name, I talk the talk
I ring the bell, and I do the dealing
I am the name, I am the walk
Ive got the smell, and Ive got the feeling
Im going deep, Im going fast
Im going now, and Im going with meaning
I will come and get you in the morning
Well just go and not give any warning
I will come and get you in the morning
Well just go and not give any warning
I will come and get you in the morning
Well just go and not give any warning
I will come and get you in the morning