this tab was created using Tab Studio 1.0
Artist :Ben Harper
Song :Another Lonely Day
Album :Fight For Your Mind
Tuning :D-G-C-F-A-d
Tabbed By :Nick Dennis
E-mail Address:
This is a great song, and is pretty simple. It is played like this: Verse x5, chorus x4, verse x4, chorus x4, verse x4, chorus x6. The words are easy to pick up from listening to the song.
e: ---0-0-------0-----------0-0-------3-3-----
B: ---1-1-------1-----------0-0-------3-3-----
G: ---0-0-------2-----------0-0-------0-0-----
D: ---2-2-------2-----------2-2-------0-0-----
A: -3-3-3-3-2-0-0-0---0-----2-2-------2-2---0-
E: -----------------3---3-0-0-0-0-1-3-3-3-3---
e: ---1-1---1-0-0-------3-3---3---3-3-----
B: ---1-1---1-1-1-------3-3---3---3-3-----
G: ---2-2---2-2-2-------0-0---0---0-0-----
D: ---3-3---3-2-2-------0-0---0---0-0-----
A: ---3-3-3-3-0-0-0-----2-2---2---2-2-----
E: -1-1-1---1-------0-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-0-