Can I Find The Right Words To Say — текст песни (Blondie)

Look up the right words the ones for today
Use them correctly and mean what I say
Answer the questions
Crossword confession
I`m down can we meet?
Is it true do you cheat?
How far can I go?
How much do you know?
What`s the definition?
How much did she mention?
How much does she know?
Can I find the right words to say?
The right words are so hard to say
It`s a challenger puzzle from the magazine section
Across with the questions
Do the ethics of reference
One hundred twenty brain teasers to torment you
One hundred thoughts
I can`t find the right words to say
My meaning`s not quite getting through
The right words are so hard to say
Can I find the right words for you?
Let`s not hedge our bets because the odds are dependent
Please listen instead now the whispers are ending
The point`s misleading as points often do
Can I find the right words for you?

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