(M.Doughty)The five percent nation of ________.(repeat X 12)5, 10. 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,95, 100The people`s republic of ________.(repeat X 12)
Smoke Something / Mystikal
Help Me Make It Through The Night / Dottie West
Не надо! / Виктор Шутилов
Пес и кошка / Александр Дольский
Двое / Анатолий Киреев
I Want To Be Alone / Green Day
A Spark In The Crimson Eclipse / Night In Gales
Spatherbst 1832/kronstadt / Angizia
Looking Down The Barrel Of A Loaded Gun / no use for a name
Innocence Bleeding / Gary Numan
Твоя душа искала пристань... / Александр Климушин