Humans born healthy
We converse all the time
Humans born deformed
We avoid all of them
Your body`s crippled, your face deformed
Your hand`s mutilated, your skin`s burnt
My body`s well-shaped, my face is striking
My hand`s delicate, my skin`s very neat
I can`t see in your eyes
Why don`t you look at me?
You don`t belong in our society
You belong in a closed sanatorium
I`m shocked by your body
You`re angry at our refusal
I`m horrified by your face
You`re infurious at our inequity
All dreadful beings are creations of god
God has decided you`ll live as a clod
God has decided, ill or healthy
He forgot justice
Was this the life you wished for
Spending your life in a closed sanatorium