A life under godBlind - still walkingMental murderDeaf - still talkingCrime DivineMindread, exploredAll reason deadBrainwashed, forlornExperience the sourTaste of holy painOppressed and forsakenReligiously insaneInsaneBreed in chains
here comes the sun4 / Beatles
Если сердце истерзано в клочья... / Юрий (Георгий) Аделунг
Ego Trippin (Part Two) 12 / De La Soul
Enter The Voids / Therion
Твои глаза подобны морю /
Get It Together / Beastie Boys
Whop Dem / Richie Stephens
Кино / Александр Градский
Gray / You Am I
ghoom / Junoon
Birth... And Death / Miscreant