Chi Coltrane
Got my things all together
And I`m ready to leave you baby
But it doesn`t come easy
And there`s something that holds me back here
And as I look around the room
Happiness haunts me
Lord knows it`s been here
But something`s happened
And it`s now very clear
What went wrong
But I have to be strong
We just can`t go on
If it makes and difference
My life won`t be the same without you
I`ll never forget you
Or the good times we`ve had together
And as the tears roll down my face
I guess I`m still trying
To think of an answer
A way under heaven
To tell me I should stay
I don`t want to leave
I just can`t believe
That`s it`s really come to this
Yes, it`s really come to this.