this is the story of a girl named Ann she`s half - Japanese, mom`s from =
Japan she`s sixteen but she`s going on thirty her mind is pure but her =
thoughts are dirty dirty Ann likes to play with herself she likes =
frigging the clit, she likes rubbing the elf she don`t need a man they =
don`t understand all she needs is her right hand Ann likes to masturbate =
she likes to make herself feel great Ann likes to masturbate when she =
gets aroused, she`s gunna cum real loud she likes to get off when ann =
gets off she likes to fantasize lie on her bed and close her eyes she =
likes to dream about the boys from Rancid she ties Tim up and then she =
pulls his pants down she likes to get off in her car and in the bathroom =
at work behind the bar she don`t want love, she don`t want romance all =
she wants is her right hand
Submitted by: Mel