My Girl`s got a really big forehead
My girl`s only got four toes
She knows I`m as good as she`ll get
She always knows
My girl`s got a shiny tuxedo
She frowns every time I smile
She knows that she`ll always be there though
She always knows
She`s got a motor car
She knows it can go fast
It drives remote control
She`s too slow
My friends say she`s got a great hairpiece
He says she`s a waste of time
She says that her name is Clarice
I don`t mind
My girl says that I should get out more
I spend too much time alone
I`ve marred her precious ego
Half of which is silicone
My life`s got a bad sense of humour
My girl`s got a mouth full of teeth
She smiles every time I go near her
My name is Keith
My name is Keith
My name is Keith
My name is Keith