My throat falls numb from the endless execution of contempt`s song.
It fails to follow suit in silence even now.
I can hear every word. Leave this place.
If only you could just be half as hateful if only i could still take you with a grain of salt
i could fake some respect and hide the pity.
For what i once feared is now somehow down on my level.
I never claimed to see through another`s eyes.
I could never inflict such abuse upon myself honestly.
Honest in a sense that i`m willing, but such intensity is dulled with age.
Leaving me some spoiled child.
I`ll take it in stride, with every cheep shot landed.
I took it without crying.
Now shut the fuck up.
I`ve always sang the cowards song.
I`ve never claimed to be, anything but.
Like father like son.
We`ll find an easy way i`ll fly so high,
to no longer hear the hisses of hatred ringing in my head.
Selfishly sober in spite of you.
I`ll never be the man to which you compare me.
Selfishly sober in spite of them.
You boast i`m dead to you and i in turn agree.
I turned a deaf ear on you, i knew the rest.
Sob stories were never my strong suit.
Now just as threatening as i`ll let you be.
I keep a short rope, and a shorter fuse.
For the one who love`s who?
I won`t leave this place.
So boast i`m dead to you, with dying breath.
I can`t hear a thing.
I never could.
Fuck your apologies.
I`ve tolerated your last death threat.
I don`t condone the likes of anyone so keep your word
and consider me you.