Oh! I`m packing my grip
And I`m leav-in` to-day,
`Cause I`m takin` a trip
Cal-i-for-nia way
I`m gon-na set-tle down and nev-er more roam
And make the SAN FER-NAN-DO VAL0LEY my home.
I`ll for-get my sins,
I`ll be mak-in` new friends,
Where the West be-gins
And the sun-set ends,
`Cause I`ve de-cid-ed where "yours tru-ly" should be
And it`s the SAN FER-NAN-DO VAL-LEY for me
I think that I`m safe in stat-in`
{She - He} will be wait-in`
When my lone-ly jour-ney is done-
And kind-ly old Rev-`rend Thomas
Made us a pro-mise
He will make the two of us one.
So, I`m hit-tin` the trail
To the cow coun-try.
You can for-ward my mail
Care of R.F.D.
I`m gon-na set-tle down and nev-er more roam
And make the SAN FER-NAN-DO VAL-LEY my home