Going with Company E to the first wave
I moved to get a close up
The first soldier of the opposite party stopped midway
And cried.
Are these the shots you`re waiting for?
The shots of blood and pain are the ones you`re
Waiting for
The U.S. Medal of Freedom will never bring back life to the
Death I`ve seen
The goal of my life
I would like to be an unemployed war reporter
Pablo Picasso
Francois Gilot
Ingrid Bergman
Henri Matisse
They all knew I`m a gambler, corresponding with death
They know that life is white light, slightly out of focus
Kamikaze Cappa always on the road
Kamikaze Cappa ein Bild fЁ№r den Tod
Kamikaze Cappa at the speed of life
Kamikaze Driver
You`re the sunset diver
You`re the sunset diver
Walking with a column of French soldiers
In Thai Ping, Indochina
May 25, 1954 at 2:55 PM, Robert Cappa, born as Ernest Andre
Friedmann 1913 in Hungary, stepped on a mine
The Vietnamese Lieutenant said Le photograph est mort.