You can lead a horse to water
But you can`t make him drink
You can send a kid to college
But you can`t make him think
You`ll never miss your water, baby
Till the well runs dry
And you`ll never miss me, baby
Till I say good-bye
Mm hm, you`d better heed my warning
The straw that broke the camel`s back
Didn`t have to be so big
And when you ran off and left me, baby
I almost blew my wig
They say he who has the last laugh
Always laughs the best
And I`m gonna laugh louder, baby
Than all the rest
Mm hm, baby, you`d better heed
You`d better heed my warning
If you want me to get out, baby
You know you don`t have to push
But you`ll find a bird in hand
Is worth two in the bush
There`s no need to lock the barn door
When the cow is gone
But you`re gonna miss me, baby
On some frosty dawn
Mm hm, you know you`d better heed
You`d better heed my warning
It`s a long, long road
That don`t have a turn
You have to be an early bird
If you wanna catch a worm
They say absence makes
The heart grow fonder
So its plain to see
If the grass look greener yonder
Baby, that`s where I`m gonna be
Mm hm, baby, you know you`d better heed
You`d better heed my warning