I hear your voiceThe fields of blood battle,The screams of glory... Victory!Come, don`t you knowSay, don`t you knowYou`re in my eyesTears of blood! (Father! Warlord!)Light! Father!Sorrow! Destiny!
I`m Not Too Young / Gilbert O`sullivan
I`m Surrending / Dark-Zone
Brief Bus Stop / Ani Difranco
Never Drown / days of the new
The Slide Song / Spiritualized
Weathered Statues / T.S.O.L. (TSOL)
threw it all away / lodge john
Trenchmouth: / Rasputina
reckoning day2 / Megadeth
Mother Father / Flight 409
Ответ на вопрос: Чего ты боишься? / Ефим Ташлицкий