She wants to be onstage, front page.
IжЉЈl sign the dotted line;
You know, IжЉ¦ gonna shine.
She just needs that big break, that great take
To start my new career;
YouжЉЈl see that IжЉ¦ sincere
And I wonжЉ° blow it.
Uh, Mister Director? Please...
DonжЉ° reject her ж†?il youжЉіe heard her read
For the lead in your new production.
Mister Producer? Please...
DonжЉ° seduce her ж†?il youжЉіe heard her sing
And everything in your new production.
She got to be hot stuff, real tough.
I wanna be photographed,
Asked for my autograph.
I donжЉ° want to keep house for a spouse.
IжЉЋ much rather be the girl;
I need much more to be the pearl
Of the movies.
IжЉЋ much rather be the girl;
I need much more to be the pearl
Of the movies.
IжЉЋ much rather be the girl,
Need much more to be the pearl
Of the movies.