Peace won`t come (Repeats)
By words alone
With the world in front of you, you`ve only got a certain space to go. I go to me factory, and go there, that`s supposed to be my bit of seeing the world. The whole world in front of ya, you`re waiting, seeing things that haven`t been discovered.
No pretty please, pretty pretty please (Repeats)
One way or the other
Something`s got to change
Humdrum has a stammer
Saying `w-w-w-whatever`
One way or the other
No pretty please, pretty pretty please (Repeats)
Peace won`t come by words alone
Peace won`t come by words alone
I`m so low on order
But high on what I want
And I`ve got your number
And I`m coming over
One way or the other
No pretty please, pretty pretty please (Repeats)
One way or the other (Repeats)
Peace won`t come by words alone
Peace won`t come by words alone