Here in my van
I can beat my small cock
Fart on your face
Sleep on a loaf
Here in my can
I can piss in a cup
Scrounge for some change
Do what I want
I can lose
Here in my van
I can eat my small squid
Dance the can-can
With my feet in the air
Here in my van
I can play the Last tape
Play my small uke
Write stupid songs
Like this one
Haven`t slept in days, but that`s OK.
Gonna let `er eat
Cat pizza road apples coffee shun Vivarin
Have a little snack
Put in a quarter and play road rally
Driving down the dark corridor
Fall asleep and wake up in another place
Here in my van
I can hate everyone
Wait for no girls to call me in the middle of the night
Here in my van
I can lose my small mind