Salute O Satana - Deus VindictaeSalute O Satana - Deus TenebrarumSalute O Satana - Deus LucisEcce Corpus Jesu Christi, Dominus Humilim et Rex ServorumAve Dominus Satanas Deus Potentiae!
Ballad of Mott / mott the hoople
Hockey Skates / Kathleen Edwards
Balla Balla Ballerino / dalla lucio
Mexican Radio / Stan Ridgway
It Dont Matter / Def Leppard
Страна нежности / Мистер Твистер
Rockin`around The Christmas Tree / Hanson
Strings Strings / Gerald Levert
Naked / citizen fish
Sof`N Sweet / JON B