(4:10) As you begin to fall. A terror with those that fear. A trust in your beliefs. Be forced to no release. The corrosion fills your mind. Your eyes turn to stone. A killer becomes in you. ...desire.
Dying On A Mass Of Chyme And Rancid Excrement / Haemorrhage
О, знать бы, в какой автобус ты сядешь завтра, завтра, завтра... / Раиса Нурмухаметова
G.r.b.c. Unidos Seremos Prejudicados De / Os Hipcritas
Part Of The Furniture / Cantatonia
Oh putain, non ! / Wriggles, Les
Droppin` Gems / Frankie Ano (aka Frankenstein) f Bahamad
Peepin My Style / Timbaland
I Get a Kick Out of You / Billie Holiday
Dialogue For One / Suburban Tribe
If It Hadn`t Been For You / Dusty Springfield
Mick McManus` Haircut / Chumbawamba