Lying - down onSidewalk - lyingRunning - tears downHis ears - lyingLying - brought us fearWhere do we go from here?One day - sixteenWoke up - sixtyGasping - hurryHurryWhere do we go from here?(Zlaya Hadzich)
(we Won`t) Stop The War / Gamma Ray
айщъш / симд оашйс
Soundtrack / Dirty Dancing
Alive / dirty vegas
Сверхсекретный вальс / Андрей Земсков
Three in the Power of One / P.O.D
Happy Together / Turtles, The
Schundersong / Die Ärzte
Sabre And The Rose / Kris Kristofferson
You`ve Got A Friend In Pennsylvania / New Found Glory
No Title For A Cause / Peccatum